Street / Strasse

Pasaje Giuffra is one of the most historic narrow cobbled streets in the equally historic barrio of San Telmo. A short street that was first created in 1840, its early 19th century architecture remains almost unaltered and, as in the past, it plays a significant role in the life of this bohemian neighbourhood. In earlier times its buildings, now transformed into bars, theatres and a university were residences for the city elite. Many of the buildings still resist the passage of time and conserve an essence of the past. For their location and age, Pasaje Giuffra and Pasaje San Lorenzo, located on the other side of Avenida Independencia, ought to share similar characteristics. Whereas Pasaje San Lorenzo, however, is a shadow of its former self, Pasaje Giuffra has maintained much of its former glory due to the presence of the University of Cinema and La Scala theatre and a still-homogenous set of buildings almost untainted by modern development. The view towards the Faculty of Engineering on Paseo Colon is particularly impressive. At the other end of the street on Calle Defensa (Defensa Street) is the former ‘Cecil’ cinema, now an attractive antiques market. The street also connects to Calle Balcarce, which marks the site of the former riverbank of the Río de La Plata before the city was extended into the river through land reclamation and the construction of Puerto Madero. On the corner of Balcarce and Giuffra stands a handsome ex-tanguería (tango club).